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IECE Transactions on Emerging Trends in Network Systems, 2024, Volume 1, Issue 1: 5-18

Free to Read | Research Article | 26 December 2024
1 College of Mechatronics and Control Engineering, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, China
2 Department of Computer Engineering, Gachon University, Seongnam 13120, Republic of Korea
* Corresponding Author: Inam Ullah, [email protected]
Received: 30 October 2024, Accepted: 17 December 2024, Published: 26 December 2024  
This paper introduces a novel method for controlling a class of nonlinear non-affine systems with fractional-order dynamics, using an adaptive fuzzy technique. By incorporating a novel fractional update law in the design procedure, the controller can effectively suppress chaotic behaviour and smoothly track desired trajectories. The proposed method offers key advantages such as robustness against uncertainties, fast error convergence to the neighbourhood of zero, and satisfactory disturbance rejection performance. To demonstrate the capabilities of the proposed fractional controller, simulation results were conducted using Python on a fractional order Arneodo chaotic system. The results highlight the effectiveness and potential of the proposed method in controlling fractional-order systems.

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Adaptive Fuzzy Controller for Chaos Suppression in Nonlinear Fractional Order Systems


This work was supported without any funding.

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APA Style
Sharafian, A., Monirul, I. M., Mokarram, M. J., & Ullah, I. (2024). Adaptive Fuzzy Controller for Chaos Suppression in Nonlinear Fractional Order Systems. IECE Transactions on Emerging Trends in Network Systems, 1(1), 5–18. https://doi.org/10.62762/TETNS.2024.318686

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