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IECE Transactions on Intelligent Systematics, 2024, Volume 1, Issue 2: 49-57

Free to Read | Research Article | 20 September 2024
1 Pakistan Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, Peshawar, Pakistan
2 Department of Computer Engineering, Gachon University, Seongnam 13120, Republic of Korea
3 Iqra National University Peshawar, Pakistan
4 University of Agriculture Peshawar, Peshawar, Pakistan
5 Department of Computer Science, University of Malakand, Pakistan
* Corresponding Author: Inam Ullah, [email protected]
Received: 24 August 2024, Accepted: 13 September 2024, Published: 20 September 2024  
Cited by: 2  (Source: Web of Science) , 4  (Source: Google Scholar)
This paper proposes designing and structuring a Cyber-Physical System (CPS) with a specific focus on vehicles equipped with on-board diagnosis (OBD-II). The purpose of the CPS is to collect and assess data pertaining to the vehicle's Electronic Control Unit (ECU), such as engine RPM, speed, and other relevant parameters. The OBD-II scanner utilizes the obtained data on mass airflow (MAF) and vehicle speed to compute CO2 gas emissions and fuel consumption. The data is wirelessly communicated using a GSM module to a Semantic Web. The CPS also uses GPS tracking to ascertain the vehicle's whereabouts. A Semantic Web is utilized to construct a database management system that stores and manages sent data. A graphical user interface (GUI) is created to facilitate data analysis. It undergoes a sequence of qualification tests to verify the system's functionality. The results demonstrate that the system can accurately read parameters, process data, transfer information, and display readings.

Graphical Abstract
A Cyber-Physical System Based on On-Board Diagnosis (OBD-II) for Smart City

Intelligent Vehicle
Cyber-Physical System
Embedded System


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APA Style
Ali, S. H., Ullah, I., Ali, S. A., Haq, M. I. U, & Ullah, N. (2024). A Cyber-Physical System Based on On-Board Diagnosis (OBD-II) for Smart City. IECE Transactions on Intelligent Systematics, 1(2), 49–57. https://doi.org/10.62762/TIS.2024.329126

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