Journal Overview

IECE Transactions on Internet of Things
ISSN: request pending
Aims & Scope
This journal publishes articles on the latest advances, as well as review articles, on the various aspects of IoT. Topics include IoT system architecture, IoT enabling technologies, IoT communication and networking protocols such as network coding, and IoT services and applications. Examples are IoT demands, impacts, and implications on sensors technologies, big data management, and future Internet design for various IoT use cases, such as smart cities, smart environments, smart homes, etc. The fields of interest include: IoT architecture such as things-centric, data-centric, service-oriented IoT architecture; IoT enabling technologies and systematic integration such as sensor technologies, big sensor data management, and future Internet design for IoT; IoT services, applications, and test-beds such as IoT service middleware, IoT application programming interface (API), IoT application design, and IoT trials/experiments.
Publication Frequency
The journal is owned by IECE - Institute of Emerging and Computer Engineers.
Ethics Statement
IECE is responsible for enforcing rigorous peer review and strict ethical policies and standards to ensure that the highest quality scientific work is added to the field of scholarly publishing. IECE takes such publication ethics very seriously at all levels. Our staff are trained to recognise and report any breaches. Our editors adopt a zero-tolerance policy, enforce COPE's core practices and guidelines, and deal swiftly with complex cases of plagiarism, data falsification, authorship and more.
Last updated: March 26, 2023