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IECE Transactions on Internet of Things, 2023, Volume 1, Issue 1: 22-29

Research Article | 19 November 2023
1 College of information Science and Engineering, Henan University of Technology, Zhengzhou 450001, China
* Corresponding author: Hailong Zhou, email: 2294422438@qq.com
Received: 05 July 2023, Accepted: 11 November 2023, Published: 19 November 2023  

As more and more traditional application systems begin to integrate 3D technology, building a 3D library application system with the advantages of 3D technology is conducive to improving the user's borrowing experience, improving the efficiency of users' querying books and reserving seats, and combining monitoring equipment can effectively improve the accuracy of seat occupancy monitoring, and through the statistics and analysis of reservation data, borrowing data and other data, it can provide decision support for library managers, thereby improving the quality of library services. This paper takes the library of Henan University of Technology as an example, based on the SuperMap iClient3D 10i for WebGL platform, based on the actual scene and related textures of the library, using AutoCAD and 3D MAX for 3D modeling; then using computer WEB, Cesium and Node.js Finally, a three-dimensional library application system with functions such as scene browsing, book query, seat reservation, occupancy monitoring, reservation statistics, borrowing statistics and user management is realized.

Graphical Abstract
Design and Implementation of 3D Library Application System-Taking The Library of Henan University of Technology as an Example

3D library
3D website


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APA Style
H. Zhou & X. Wang (2023). Design and Implementation of3D Library Application System-Taking The Library of HenanUniversity of Technology as an Example. IECE Transactions onInternet of Things, 1(1), 22–29. https://doi.org/10.62762/TIOT.2023.768915

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